A real conversation at work.

Ryan: “Can vegetarians eat eggs?”

Adam: “No, some don’t. They can have fish eggs maybe.”

Ryan: “What about velociraptor eggs?”

Adam: “Ha, probably.”

Ryan: “Okay, what about dragon eggs?”

Adam: “I’m not sure that’s relevant. That’s like asking if they can eat unicorn eggs.”

Ryan: “Unicorns don’t lay eggs.”

Adam: “How could you possibly know that?”

Ryan: “Have you ever seen a horse lay an egg?”

Adam: “I’d think a unicorn is more closely related to a rhinoceros.”

Ryan: “Okay, have you ever seen a rhinoceros lay an egg?”

Adam: “No but unicorns aren’t rhinoceroses, rhinoceri, rhinos.”

Ryan: “Maybe I’m thinking of vegans.”

Adam: “I hate you.”